What do you take for granted or assume about sharing? What I assume/take for granted about sharing is the idea that people who post stuff online, usually do it to be heard and seen. Whether it be for their close friends and families, or on a more public platform. In some extreme cases, some people will post stuff online in hopes to become internet famous, or the next big influencer. In other words, people use social media to share their thoughts and opinions on various topics. People also use social media as a way to “show off” a window into their lives. The food they’re eating, where they visited, who they hang out with, all get shared on social media. Most do it for fun or recreationally, while others do it as their main source of income, or try to. For example, a woman by the name of Lissette Calveiro , put herself into $10,000 in debt trying to become an Instagram influencer. She bought expensive clothes, and traveling to different locations all for Instagram. T...