Intellectual Traits
I understand "Intellectual Integrity" to mean treating others how you wish to be treated.
In other words, being kind to others because that is how you wish to be treated yourself. You can accomplish this by, being mindful of others and treating others with respect.
An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Integrity using social media would be, in the comment section of a Facebook post or YouTube video, you can leave compliments, or if necessary, leave constructive criticism. You should not leave mean-spirited comments for the purpose of getting a rise out of someone.
I understand "Intellectual Independence" to mean thinking for yourself.
In other words, listening to both sides of an argument or problem and then coming to your own conclusions on the matter. You can accomplish this by, looking at the situation from all angles before you can determine your stance.
An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Independence using social media would be reading a Facebook post, instead of taking it at face value, you should do your own research before coming to a conclusion.
I understand "Perseverance" to mean never giving up on something.
In other words, sticking to a tough problem and working through it until you come to the solution. This also applies to learning a new skill and sticking to it until you learn how to do it. The bottom line is that you should never give up no matter how difficult it may be.
An example of someone exhibiting Perseverance using social media would be people using YouTube to start a work out routine or learning a new skill and sticking to it.
I understand "Intellectual Empathy" to mean being mindful of how other people think and/or feel.
In other words, being understanding of other's feelings and beliefs even if you might not necessarily agree with them. You can accomplish this by, being open-minded to others and not letting bias cloud your judgement.
An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Empathy using social media would be people who are respectful to Facebook or YouTube videos that talks about a different opinion or belief.
I understand "Intellectual Humility" to mean acknowledging one's own limitations in their knowledge.
In other words, understanding that no one knows everything and that it is okay to not know the answer to a question. It is always better to admit that you do not know a topic or problem, rather than claim that you know something when in reality, you don't.
An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Humility using social media would be people asking questions, on Facebook or Twitter, on a topic that they are unfamiliar with and wish to know more about.
I understand "Intellectual Courage" to mean standing for what I believe in.
In other words, sticking to what you believe is right even in the face of opposition. If you truly feel passionate about a certain topic or situation, then you should not feel ashamed for voicing your opinion even if it may go against the general consensus.
An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Courage with social media would be a YouTube content creator voicing their opinions on a matter that they are passionate about, whether or not others may not agree with them.
I understand "Confidence in Reason " to mean using your own knowledge to
In other words, gaining the knowledge you need to have confidence in your stance/opinion. Similar to intellectual independence, as in, you are looking at a situation from all angles before you come to your own conclusions. The main difference being that, you gather evidence and facts to help back up your verdict/argument.
An example of someone exhibiting Confidence in Reason using social media would be when you come across an argument on Facebook. You should first look at all aspects of the situation until you fully understand the circumstances of the argument before you voice your own conclusions on the matter.
I understand "Fairmindedness" to mean being understanding to all arguments and beliefs, whether or not you agree with them.
In other words, being open-minded to all beliefs and not letting biases to put one belief above another. This is similar to intellectual empathy, and that you should sympathize with others and see their side of the argument.
An example of someone exhibiting Fairmindedness using social media would be someone being respectful to another person's Facebook post or YouTube video that talks about a different viewpoint on a topic.
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