Depth 1. I understand "depth" to mean providing a deeper meaning of a subject. 2. In other words, a statement that goes beyond just a simple explanation. Instead, providing it's purpose and underlying concepts hidden between the lines. 3. An example of someone exhibiting depth with social media would be my friend on YouTube talking about a specific book, movie, or video game that she really loves. She will give a brief description of the topic in question, then she will give her own opinions and/or give her own interpretations of the work to her viewers. Breadth 1. I understand "breadth" to mean allowing for interpretations from different points of view. 2. In other words, creating an open discussion on certain topics and subjects. Thus allowing people to voice their own opinions from all perspectives instead of focusing on one insight over all others. 3. An example of someone exhibiting breadth with social media would be my frien...